Are You Ready to Start Your Own Business?

Once you are aware of the key elements that accompany a successful entrepreneurial outlook, it is possible to improve upon those qualities, whether they come naturally to the individual or not.


____1. I am willing to work 50 hours or more per week regularly. 

____2. My family will support my going into business.

____3. I am willing to accept both financial and career risks when necessary.

____4. I don’t need all the fringe benefits provided by conventional employment.

____5. I would like to take full responsibility for the successes and failures of my business.

____6. I would experience more financial success by operating my own business.

____7. I feel a great deal of pride when I complete a project successfully.

____8. I have a high energy level that can be maintained over a long time.

____9. I enjoy controlling my own work assignments and making all decisions that affect my work.

____10. I believe that I am primarily responsible for my own successes and failures.

____11. I have a strong desire to achieve positive results even when it requires a great deal of additional effort.

____12. I have a good understanding of how to manage a business.

____13. I can function in ambiguous situations.

____14. One or both of my parents were entrepreneurs.

____15. I believe that my abilities and skills are greater than those of most of my coworkers.

____16. People trust me and consider me honest and reliable.

____17.  I always try to complete every project I start, regardless of obstacles and difficulties.

____18. I am willing to do something even when other people laugh or belittle me for doing it.

____19. I can make decisions quickly.

____20. I have a good network of friends, professionals, and business acquaintances.


Organizing Your Business


Before You Start