Dear Community Member,
It is with great pleasure we bring you “Sichos and Success”
Now in its 6th year of operation CHYE has become our community’s business resource center with programs and resources to inspire and assist aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs alike. Over the years, we have been blessed to hear the Rebbe holy guidance on all facets of life including in no small part the topic of business and business success, indeed hundreds and thousands of people would not make a business move without consulting the Rebbe first.
It is our hope in this series to collect the Rebbes talks and letters on this important subject to share with the greater public as a source of guidance and support. Each volume will be divided into two sub sections 1. Practical Advice which will share the Rebbes actual business guidance which are found mostly in personal letters 2. Business Inspiration which will share the Rebbes talks on the proper outlook of how to approach business as a Chossid.
We are requesting from the public if you have any letters from the Rebbe with business advice please notify us so that we many make them available for the benefit of the public.
Wishing you in the Rebbes words Yelchu Mechayel El Choyil translated by CHYE as “Continued Success”
Rabbi Yehoshua Werde
Director, CHYE