Crown Heights Business and Startups Honored at CHYE founders event.

When Yosef Levin Managing Director at Deloitte opened the eighth annual Crown Heights Young Entrepreneurs (CHYE) Founders Circle event, he didn’t spend a lot of time talking about the organization’s accomplishments. Instead, he focused on the future.

 “CHYE is all about one generation of experts and entrepreneurs helping out the next, and we need to accelerate that process,” he said. “The growth must become exponential. This sense of urgency was underscored by the constant reminders of just how big the aspiring entrepreneurs in attendance should be dreaming.

The event took place on Tuesday, February 15st – 22 Shevat, and was hosted by Deloitte & Touche, the world’s second largest professional services network, at their 40th floor Rockefeller Center offices in New York City.

The evening began with relaxed networking time accompanied by delicious food and beverages. The structured part of the program got underway with opening remarks by Meyer Eichler, SVP Signature Bank and Board member of CHYE,

The director of CHYE, Rabbi Yehoshua Werde, then gave a short speech. He thanked everyone for their incredible support over the last eight years and promised that the future is going to be even bigger. With the development of new national programing and the success of the new Job Placement division. Watch the speech below:

Then the CHYE Business of the year award was presented to Mr Menachem Light of Buggy TLC, for his accomplishments in starting and growing a business that has transformed the landscape of Crown Heights and created so much opportunity for the Crown Heights Community. In his acceptance speech Menachem highlighted the power of the creativity and ingenuity that this community has and what amazing things we can accomplish with our yeshiva background. 

 This was followed by the presentation of the CHYE startup of the year award, Presented to Mr Levi Sudak and his company Eitco Parking for his accomplishments in launching a promising new startup right here in Crown Heights. His work is a testament to the spirit ingenuity and bravado that emanates from this neighborhood and we hope will serve as a role model to inspire more members of our community to get out there and launch successful business of their own. 

Afterwards the CHYE Supporter of the year award was presented to Mr Sruly Rosenbaum of Madison CRES for his incredible support to CHYE and its programming.

 Then the highlight of the evening started as famed businessman and syndicated columnist  for INC magazine Mr Norm Brodsky served up some serious business advice in his hilarious and inimitable style. Holding the audience spell bound for close to an hour Norm highlighted the attitudes and strategy to build and maintain a successful business. 

As Norm was discussing these lofty issues, at that moment, if one were to look out the window onto the streets of Manhattan way down below, it would be almost impossible to escape coming to this conclusion: For the aspiring entrepreneurs in the audience, and for CHYE as an organization, this is only the beginning.


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